In a world of digital marketing solutions, direct mail responses continue to climb. When it comes to acquiring new customers and fostering relationships with existing ones, this strategy undoubtedly “delivers” on efficacy, affordability, and reliability in varying respects. Let’s take a look at what statistics that reflect direct mail’s popularity show:
When it comes to getting started with direct mail, there are several options, including postcards, catalogs, booklets, and more. Once you’ve decided:
If your direct mail isn’t relevant, it’s going to hit the circular file. More than two-thirds of consumers immediately throw away mail from a brand they’ve never heard of. However, 76% will discuss physical correspondence from a brand or retailer of whom they have been a customer.
Focus your mailings on those who have expressed interest in either your specific business or category. You can target demographics referencing your own house mailing lists, using the U.S. Postal Service’s Every Door Direct Mail program, or partnering with a printing/marketing organization to take the mystery out of mailing lists.
If you want to attract millennial consumers, you may consider direct mail pieces physical Instagram posts. Keep the text brief, the layout streamlined, yet sophisticated, and any additional visual element (graphic, photograph, etc.) eye-catching!
Nowadays, email offers for discounts are a dime a dozen. However, a glossy postcard or catalog with a genuinely special offer can spur the recipient into action. Make it worth their while, not just a few dollars off.
Three-fourths of those who use direct mail to make purchasing decisions also refer to online sources for additional information. Get them where you want them to be! For example, if you’re sending out direct mail regarding a sale on your store’s athletic gear sales, include a URL that goes to a landing page for that particular order.
Direct mail is unique because your customers don’t receive it often. With that in mind, use discretion in how often you send direct mail to avoid it becoming “spam,” chipping away at the recipient’s trust and your goodwill. For example, you could send direct mail with an offer for a customer’s birthday, or after someone makes their first purchase with you.
Depending on your industry and target demographic, direct mailing recipients may be more receptive to getting your mail during mid-week days as opposed to the weekend.
Start with direct mail, then follow up a week later with email. You could also send two emails for every one piece of direct mail. You can integrate direct mail in our automated marketing campaigns by setting up triggers to send direct mail after a prospect takes action, just as you would with a drip-email campaign. Both the email and direct mail piece should feature the same design elements and messaging to reinforce the offer.
Keep track of and analyze landing page visits, coupon codes, and redemption rates to determine your direct mail campaign’s performance.
For more information about direct mail marketing, contact us today!
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