It’s almost the end of the year which means it is time for everyone to look back on how their print projects performed and looked in 2022. Some companies might be very happy with their results while others might have room for improvement in the coming year.
Our goal with this article is to compile our best blogs into an easy to read “Printing 101” guide that you can refer back to when you need advice and commercial printing tips. So whether you want to know how effective direct mail is in a digital world, how retail signage can increase the bottom line of your store, or best practices for B2B marketing, you can find all the resources you need in this handy printing guide.
Direct Mail Printing Guide
It is not an exaggeration to say that direct mail is a vital part of any marketing campaign. Plus, data driven hyper-targeting has made direct mail more effective than ever. As digital marketing has grown, this marketing technique is now cluttered with ads which means digital impressions are now far less effective than traditional print ads (especially Direct Mail)!
Before you begin a direct mail campaign, you need to find the right print partner to work on your project. Some printers are certified for printing sensitive financial information while others specialize in printing HIPPA-protected medical information. It is important to find a printer that has the capabilities that work best for your specific needs. Once you have found the perfect print partner, you need to identify the audience you want to target.
When planning the design elements of your direct mail piece, be sure and do some research on more niche topics such as the color psychology of your direct mail piece or learn more about direct mail tips related to your specific industry. For example, there are some ideas for non profit direct mail campaigns that can help you create a more successful campaign.
If you have any specific questions about direct mail, call Innvoke for the answer.
Retail Signage Printing 101
At the start of the year, we were talking about retail signage trends for 2022. Many of these trends are still relevant as we head into 2023 but there are still some useful tips you can use to improve the ROI of your retail store signage, like knowing the best location for store signage or what messaging is important to include on business signs.
When you are ready to print signage for your business, it’s important to work with a print partner that’s familiar with your niche industry. But before you find the right partner, there are some things you should consider before you print retail signs for your business. “Where will the sign be located?”, “Will your sign stand out?”, and “Who is the audience of your signage?” are all questions you should have an answer for before designing your business signs. Make sure you keep in mind the four elements that go into effective retail signage. Everyone knows a sign needs to be readable but many often overlook the importance of color choice. And be sure to avoid the 3 mistakes that tank the ROI of print signs (don’t forget to include the bleed!). And when you’re ready to work on point of sale signage, make sure you use these 5 tips that help point of purchase displays convert.
Other General Print Design Tips
Just like “Saturday Night Live” has been called “Saturday Night Dead” multiple times over the years, the phrase “Print is Dead” has been said many times over the past few decades. However, print still gets you out in front of customers and increases sales. In other words, print is alive and in great shape. You need to make the right choices about your messaging and design so your print materials produce the desired results. Being consistent across your brand also improves the delivery of your marketing message.
While some people try to control the consistency of their printing by keeping their printing in house, this can be costly when it comes to manpower and your payroll. You should consider outsourcing your print needs to a professional so you can control costs while maintaining brand consistency.
Finally, when you have your print materials where you want them to be, take your materials on the road with these trade show tips for improving engagement.
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